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[Answer] Why should someone plan variable expenses after fixed expenses?

Answer: Fixed expenses are required and constant but variable expenses are not required and are more flexible.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Why should someone plan variable expenses after fixed expenses? Why are Fixed and Variable Expenses Important in a ... The Difference Between Fixed and Variable Expenses Fixed Expenses vs. Variable Expenses for Budgeting ... The Difference Between Fixed and Variable Expenses Because fixed expenses usually are constant. The amount does not change no matter how much production you've done . (such as : employees' salary) Meanwhile variable expense could be varied depended on production amount. Why should someone plan variable expenses after fixed expenses? A.Fixed expenses are deducted from gross income and variable expenses come from net income . B .Variable expenses are a necessary part of fixed expenses but can only be calculated after fixed expenses . Why should someone plan variable expenses after fixed expenses? Fixed expenses are required and constant but variable expenses are not required and are more flexible . Paying for transportation to and from work is an example of Fri Feb 08 2019 · Determining your fixed and variable expenses is paramount to effectively building a budget.But while accounting for necessary costs is a simple and … Fri Aug 30 2019 · Compared to fixed expenses variable costs are harder to pin down. But don’t worry — once you get used to the concept you may hav...


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