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[Answer] What is the most commonly used rape drug?

Quesiton : What is the most commonly used rape drug?

Answer: Alcohol

Most relevent text from all around web: What is the most commonly used rape drug? How can the answer be improved? Wed Apr 04 2018 · The most common date rape drug is legal and sexual assault that involves it varies under individual state consent laws . While government health and sexual violence awareness websites all tend to address Rohypnol GHB and ketamine as the most common drugs behind sexual assault many experts point to alcohol as the most common date rape drug. What are the most common date rape drugs? People who use date rape drugs or alcohol to commit sexual assault most often use alcohol alone or in combination with other drugs . 1 Learn more about how alcohol is linked to sexual assault . Mon Mar 19 2018 · Some date rape drugs look like regular drinks or other drugs you may be used to seeing. Drugs such as Rohypnol GHB GBL and ketamine may look like pills liquid or powders . Often date rape drugs have no colo...

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