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[Answer] Which of the following conditions is unaffected by physical activity?

Answer: cancer

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Which of the following conditions is unaffected by physical activity? One-fourth of adults in the United States are not active at all. The benefits of physical fitness include an improvement in mood. Which of the following conditions is unaffected by physical activity? Physical fitness attitudes are set during childhood and cannot change . Start studying Physical Fitness Attitudes: Quiz. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... Which of the following conditions is unaffected by physical activity ? A. type 2 diabetes B. hypertension C. skin cancer ... Physical Activity … Fri Dec 02 2016 · Dr . Salazar recently completed an experiment in which she compared reasoning ability in a sample of females and a sample of males. The means of the fe. male and male samples equaled 21 … Which of the following conditions is unaffected by physical activity? A. type 2 diabetes. B. hypertension. C. skin cancer. D. depression . Physical activity is known to have therapeutic effects on chronic diseases like diabetes hypertension and even depression. Wed Dec 28 2016 · Skin cancer is unaffected by physical activity as once you have skin cancer doing anything physical does not alter the cancer it doesn't make it worse or better. Type 2 diabetes hypertension and depression can all be affected by physical acti...


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