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[Answer] How was the policy of paternalism like Social Darwinism?

Answer: Because they believed Europeans had the right and the duty to bring the results of their progress to other countries so they governed people in a parental way by providing for their needs but not giving them the rights and brought in their own bureaucrats and did not train local people in European methods of governing

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How was the policy of paternalism like Social Darwinism? Anuncio Find more results about of the . If you are looking for of the How was the policy of paternalism like Social Darwinism ? Because they believed Europeans had the right and the duty to bring the results of their progress to other countries so they governed people in a parental way by providing for their needs but not giving them the rights and brought in their own bureaucrats and did not train local people in European methods of governing How was the policy of the paternalism like social Darwinism ? We need you to answer this question! If you know the answer to this question please register to join our limited beta program and ... Social policy deals with social issues like health education housing food environment etc. Social policy is influenced by the needs of the people like poverty old age disability etc ... Start studying chapter 11. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... How was the policy of paternalism like Social Darwinism ? Paternalism was pretty much the act of Social Darwinism . The policy of Paternalism is like social Darwinism b ecause they believed Europeans had the right and the duty to bring the results of their progress to other countries so they governed...


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