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[Answer] What does myths do for a culture?

Answer: They can teach behavior or explain natural things that happen. (Stork brings babies.)

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What does myths do for a culture? What Is a Cultural Myth? (with pictures) - wiseGEEK What purpose do myths serve in society? What purpose do ... The Importance of Mythology Myth - Myth - Myth in culture: One of the most celebrated writers about myth from a psychological standpoint was Sigmund Freud. In his Die Traumdeutung (1899; The Interpretation of Dreams) he posited a phenomenon called the Oedipus complex that is the male child’s repressed desire for his mother and a corresponding wish to supplant his father . Basically a more creative and more useful mythology to themselves and the society . There are myths like the “American Dream” for example. It is now no longer a functional myth because it can’t be realized. I mean most people’s children are living less well than they did and that’s not the American Dream myth anymore. Thu Jul 14 2016 · Human beings are meaning-seeking creatures . We as human beings have also imagination faculty that enables us to think and by means of these characteristics religions and mythologies have been emerged on the earth stage since the early dates of history. So many works of the mankind based on mythological and religious backgrounds. Sun Jan 03 2010 · A mythology or belief system often concerns supernatural beings/powers of a culture provides a rationale for a culture’s religion and practices and reflects how people relate to each other in everyday life . ...


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