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[Answer] Who is the assistant to Mr. Burns in "The Simpsons?"

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

Who is the assistant to Mr. Burns in "The Simpsons?"

  • Waylon Smithers, Jr.:A recurring character in the long-running animated series "The Simpsons" is Smithers, also known as Mr. Smithers. His full name is Waylon Joseph Smithers, Jr. He is deeply devoted to his boss, Mr. Burns, considering himself Burns' personal assistant, executive assistant, and best-friend (self-proclaimed. Burns denies this.) Burns rarely treats Smithers with much degree of dignity or respect, which forms the humorous dynamic between the characters. Smithers, the highest-profile gay character regularly appearing in the series, has a crush on Burns, which also generates comedic fare. Source:

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