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[Answer] A(n) __________ is created when sperm meets egg and contains all DNA necessary to create a person.A.zygoteB.blastocystC.embryoD.fetus Elements compounds and mixtures

Answer: A Practical 4: Digestive/Urinary/Reproductive

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A(n) __________ is created when sperm meets egg and contains all DNA necessary to create a person.A.zygoteB.blastocystC.embryoD.fetus Elements compounds and mixtures Amino acids are organic compounds that contain amino (–NH 2) and carboxyl (–COOH) functional groups along with a side chain (R group) specific to each amino acid. The key elements of an amino acid are carbon (C) hydrogen (H) oxygen (O) and nitrogen ( N ) although other elements … The mechanisms of reproductive isolation are a collection of evolutionary mechanisms behaviors and physiological processes critical for speciation.They prevent members of different species from producing offspring or ensure that any offspring are … Estrogen or oestrogen is a category of sex hormone responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex … In almost all mammals milk is fed to infants through breastfeeding either directly or by expressing the milk to be stored and consumed later. The early milk from mammals is called colostrum.Colostrum contains antibodies that provide protection to the newborn baby as well as nutrients and growth factors. The makeup of the colostrum and the period of secret...


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