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[Answer] A pipeline carries what substance across Bruges, Belgium?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

A pipeline carries what substance across Bruges, Belgium?

  • Beer:Bruges, Belgium, is home to the Halve Maan Brewery, which lies in the center of the town. The bottling plant is located two miles away on the outskirts of the city. When moving the beer from the brewery to the bottling plant became too expensive and impractical, the owners came up with a unique solution: an underground pipeline to carry the beer. Upon completion in 2016, the pipeline transported the beer at a rate of 1,000 gallons every hour. It gives the plant the ability to produce 12,000 bottles of beer per hour. For a brewery that operates 24-hours per day, that's a lot of beer making its way to the bottling plant. Source:

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