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[Answer] What do sharks, rays, and skates have in common?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What do sharks, rays, and skates have in common?

  • They have cartilage skeletons:Sharks, rays, and skates are all vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone. They are all cartilaginous fish who have internal skeletons made completely of cartilage instead of hard bone. They also share characteristic fins. Each has one or two dorsal fins, an anal fin, a caudal fin, and ventral fins. Their ventral fins are supported by the internal skeleton. Sharks and rays also have similar skin characteristics. They have placoid scales, also known as dermal teeth. These structures give their skin a sandpaper feel. The tiny teeth sticking out of the skin are different in each shark species. Source:

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