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[Answer] In the 1989 film, "When Harry Met Sally", who played Sally?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

In the 1989 film, "When Harry Met Sally", who played Sally?

  • Meg Ryan:When Harry Met Sally... is a 1989 romantic comedy film written by Nora Ephron and directed by Rob Reiner. It stars Billy Crystal as Harry and Meg Ryan as Sally. The story follows the title characters from the time they meet in Chicago just before sharing a cross-country drive, through twelve years of chance encounters in New York City. The film raises the question "Can men and women ever just be friends?" The origins of the film were derived from Reiner's return to single life after a divorce. The character Harry was based on director Rob Reiner while Sally was somewhat based on screenwriter Nora Ephron.

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