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[Answer] What was the original name of the game Bingo?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What was the original name of the game Bingo?

  • Beano:The game we now know as "bingo" was originally known as "beano." The origins of the game can be traced back to Italy to a game named "Lo Giuoco del Lotto D'Italia" in the 1500s. Fast forward to the 1900s and “Beano” was all the rage and played at local carnivals in America. Players covered their squares with dried beans, prompting the winner to shout “beano!” According to legend, toymaker Edwin S. Lowe was inspired to create his own version of the game after witnessing it being played in 1929. Lowe renamed it "bingo" after he overheard someone accidentally yell "bingo" instead of "beano".

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