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[Answer] The Question: In US naval tradition, who is the first to disembark once the ship returns from deployment?

Answer: The Answer: The correct answer is Sailors whose wives gave birth while they were away.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

The Question: In US naval tradition who is the first to disembark once the ship returns from deployment? The Question: In US naval tradition who is the first to disembark once the ship returns from deployment ? An old Navy tradition has it that the ship s cook shines the ship s bell and the ship s bugler shines the ship s whistle. This tradition may still be observed in some of the ships of the modern Navy . An old Navy tradition has it that the ship s cook shines the ship s bell and the ship s bugler shines the ship s whistle. This tradition may still be observed in some of the ships of the modern Navy . However in normal practice the ship s bell is maintained by a man of the ships' division charged with the upkeep of that part of the ship where ... His publications include The Eclipse of American Sea Power (1922) A History of the United States Navy (1936) and multi-volume collections of documents on naval operations in The Quasi-War with France in 1798–1800 the first Barbary war and the second Barbary War. Each branch has their own homecoming traditions . For example when a Navy ship returns to port new dads whose children were born while they were deployed traditionally disembark first . Ask your ... and that...


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