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[Answer] What was the total length of the Berlin Wall?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What was the total length of the Berlin Wall?

  • 96 miles:The Berlin Wall best symbolized the Cold War divide between the Soviet bloc and western Europe. The concrete and barbed-wire barrier divided Berlin, the largest city in Germany, for almost 30 years. When completed, the Wall actually spanned a staggering 96 miles. East and West Berlin was divided by a 27-mile section of the barrier. Originally a structure of barbed-wire strong in rows between bricked-up building that went up in 1961, the Wall morphed over time. It eventually incorporated a row of subsidiary walls, electric fences, trenches, and a "death strip," an open area overseen by armed guards in 302 watchtowers. The concrete slab wall that most remember was built in 1979. Source:

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