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[Answer] Who is the protagonist of the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow?"

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

Who is the protagonist of the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow?"

  • Ichabod Crane:Ichabod Crane is the protagonist of "Sleepy Hollow" fame. The character of Crane is a stern, socially stiff schoolteacher and singing instructor. He comes to the small haven of Sleepy Hollow in New York state from Connecticut. Sharp-featured, lanky, clumsy and awkward, he is the most educated and sophisticated of Sleepy Hollow's citizenry. He delights the local cadre of housewives with his storytelling, especially his tales of ghosts and spirits. The daughter of a local gentleman catches his eyes, and he sets his sights on marrying her. His interest is not so much any feelings he has for Katrina but rather it's her father's wealth that attracts Crane's attention. Crane's ambitions end with his encounter with the Headless Horseman. Source:

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