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[Answer] What did Papa John's recently change its name to in order to disassociate itself from its founder John Schnatter?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What did Papa John's recently change its name to in order to disassociate itself from its founder John Schnatter?

  • Papa Johns:Papa John's announced that its dropping the apostrophe in its name, rebranding as “Papa Johns.” The familiar Papa Johns logo is also getting an upgrade to go along with the brand's new name. It is the latest step by the company to distance itself from founder and former CEO John Schnatter. Schnatter, who founded the massive pizza chain in 1984, stepped down as CEO of the company in early 2018 after suggesting player protests in the NFL had hurt business at his restaurants. Months later, he resigned from the Papa Johns board of directors after it was reported that he’d used a racial slur on a conference call.

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