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[Answer] Which statement about eating before or while drinking is false?

Quesiton : Which statement about eating before or while drinking is false?

Answer: Food gives your liver the fuel it needs to metabolize alcohol more efficiently

Most relevent text from all around web: Which statement about eating before or while drinking is false? How can the answer be improved? Which statement about eating before or while drinking is false ? Food gives your liver the fuel it needs to metabolize alcohol more efficiently Which of these … If I eat a lot of greasy food I can drink more. FALSE. It is true that foods particularly those higher in fat slow the absorption rate of alcohol . This happens because eating closes the valve between your stomach and intestines where the alcohol is absorbed more quickly than in your stomach . 2 Regular heavy drinking limited to weekends 3.Long periods of sobriety interspersed with binges or daily heavy drinking lasting for weeks or months 4. Heavy drinking limited to periods of stress Eating and drinking TRUE OR FALSE: Eating beforehand lets you drink more without becoming drunk TRUE. Alcohol mixed with food takes longer to absorb than alcohol consumed on an empty stomach . Some people find it helpful to eat a meal before going out for a night on the town. In addition to slowing the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream ... TRUE OR FALSE: The " beer before liquor " saying has basis in fact. FALSE. The logic behind the saying " Beer before liquor never sicker" is that it might be easier on your body to process weak alcoholic beverages (like beer) later in the evening. Tue Feb 04 2014 · Which of these statements is true about drinking alcohol and driving? A) Drinking coffee just before driving helps get rid of alcohol B ) If you are unde...

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