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[Answer] The frosting on top of a Hostess CupCake appears in what design?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

The frosting on top of a Hostess CupCake appears in what design?

  • Squiggles:On May 10, 1919, the first Hostess CupCake was sold. It is said to be the first commercially produced cupcake and has since become an iconic American brand. The original Hostess CupCake did not have any filling, and lacked its signiture white squiggly line of frosting across the top. But don’t worry, they fixed it! In 1947, D.R. "Doc" Rice, was given the task of further refining the Hostess CupCake. His improvements included filling the CupCakes with the same vanilla crème filling popularized by Twinkies, and added eight distinctive white squiggles across the top to distinguish the cupcake from other brands.

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